This article provides a list of Quickbase error codes and their possible causes for reference.
Don't forget to check out our JSON RESTful APIs—they can help you utilize and extend Quickbase with ease.
Code | Message | Possible Cause |
0 |
No error |
No error |
1 |
Unknown error |
2 |
Invalid input |
You did not specify a name for the new application. To grant Group Record permissions, you must specify the Target Group name. This option is available to corporate workgroup users only. You cannot place more than .5 MB in this field. You do not have permission to access this table. You did not specify the field name. The field identifier (fid) does not refer to an existing field. Please provide a valid field identifier. |
3 |
Insufficient permissions |
You do not have permission to perform the current operation. You do not have permission to clone (copy) an application. At a minimum, you must have View permission to copy an application. You do not have permission to query this table. At a minimum, you must have View permission to perform this operation. You do not have sufficient permission to delete the records you specified from this table. |
4 |
Bad ticket |
No user account was found that matches the e-mail address (or user name) and password you entered. Your ticket has expired or is invalid. By default tickets expire after 12 hours of use. One-time use tickets expire after one use or after 5 minutes. Please try signing in again. To perform the current operation, you must supply one of the following: To get a list of tables to which you have been granted access, you must supply one of the following: |
5 |
Unimplemented operation |
6 |
Syntax error |
Your Quickbase API call does not have the correct syntax. |
7 |
API not allowed on this application table |
Either the table or application you are trying to call with an API does not support API calls, or the application is in a state where the specific API call cannot be executed (such as locked for ALM). |
8 |
SSL required for this application table |
9 |
Invalid choice |
You cannot set the specified field to "(choice)". |
10 |
Invalid field type |
The field type provided in the API call was invalid. |
11 |
Could not parse XML input |
Your XML request contains invalid XML. |
12 |
Invalid source DBID |
13 |
Invalid account ID |
14 |
Missing DBID or DBID of wrong type |
15 |
Invalid hostname |
19 |
Unauthorized IP address |
Realm IP filtering is in place, and the user is not logged in from an authorized location. |
20 |
Unknown username/password |
No user account was found that matches the e-mail address (or user name) and password you entered. |
21 |
Unknown user |
No user account was found that matches the e-mail address or user name you entered. No group was found that matches the group name you entered. |
22 |
required |
The page you’re trying to get to requires you to first sign-in. |
23 |
Feature not supported |
24 |
Invalid application token |
The application token provided in the API call is invalid, or not assigned. |
25 |
Duplicate application token |
26 |
Max count |
27 |
Registration required |
The user specified is someone who has been invited to join an application, but who has never used Quickbase before. |
28 |
Managed by LDAP |
29 |
User on Deny list |
30 |
No such record |
There is no record in the table that matches the specified record identifier (rid). |
31 |
No such field |
There is no field in this table that matches the specified field identifier (fid). |
32 |
The application does not exist or was deleted |
Trying to reference an application, such as in an API call, that does not exist. |
33 |
No such query |
There is no query in this table that matches the specified query identifier (qid). There is no query in this table that matches the specified query name (qname). |
34 |
You cannot change the value of this field |
Trying to modify the value of a field on a record your role does not have access to. |
35 |
No data returned |
36 |
Cloning error |
37 |
No such report |
38 |
Periodic report contains a restricted field |
50 |
Missing required field |
The default value property for the specified field is blank. You must supply a non-blank value for this field. You have either provided a blank value for one or more required fields, or you haven't supplied any value for one or more required fields whose default property is blank. |
51 |
Attempting to add a non-unique value to a field marked "unique" |
Trying to pass in data to a field marked unique. Either a duplicate value already exists or in an import, the same value exists multiple times. |
52 |
Duplicate field |
Trying to import more than one column of data into the same field. |
53 |
The following required fields are missing from your import data: <field_1> [[<field_2>]...] |
The default value property for the specified field is blank. You must supply a non-blank value for this field. You have either provided a blank value for one or more required fields, or you haven't supplied any value for one or more required fields whose default property is blank. |
54 |
Cached list of records not found |
60 |
Update conflict detected |
61 |
Schema is locked |
You cannot make development changes to an application because it is locked. Quickbase locks an application when you create a sandbox copy of the application. |
70 |
Account size limit exceeded |
The operation is predicted to cause the data in your table, application, or account to exceed the limit. Tables have a default limit of 500MB. Learn more |
71 |
Database size limit exceeded |
The operation is predicted to cause the data in your table, application, or account to exceed the limit. Tables have a default limit of 500MB. Learn more |
73 |
Your account has been suspended |
74 |
You are not allowed to create applications |
You do not have Create permissions on the billing account. |
75 |
View too large |
76 |
Too many criteria |
The limit on the number of criteria is currently set to 100 and you have exceeded this limit. |
77 |
API request limit exceeded |
This can be returned if an API is called too frequently. The same API can't be called again before the time specified in the error message. |
78 |
Data limit exceeded |
The operation is predicted to cause the data in your table, application, or account to exceed the limit. Tables have a default limit of 500MB. Learn more |
80 |
Overflow |
81 |
Item not found |
82 |
Operation took too long |
The action you’re trying to take has reached a timeout limit, or is predicted to timeout. |
83 |
Access denied |
The user attempting to perform the action is not authorized. |
84 |
Database error |
85 |
Schema update error |
87 |
Invalid group |
No group matched the group ID you provided. |
100 |
Technical Difficulties -- try again later |
Usually occurs when a specific application is under heavy load. View the platform-level status at |
101 |
Quickbase is temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties |
Usually occurs when a specific application is under heavy load. View the platform-level status at |
102 |
Invalid request - we cannot understand the URL you specified |
103 |
The Quickbase URL you specified contained an invalid srvr parameter |
104 |
Your Quickbase app is experiencing unusually heavy traffic. Please wait a few minutes and re-try this command. |
105 |
Quickbase is experiencing technical difficulties |
Usually occurs when a specific application is under heavy load. View the platform-level status at |
110 |
Invalid role |
The specified role does not exist in Quickbase. |
111 |
User exists |
The specified user already exists. |
112 |
No user in role |
If you try to change a user’s role and no user is in the role you specify as the user’s current role, you’ll get this error. |
113 |
User already in role |
The user has already been assigned the role you are trying to assign. |
114 |
Must be admin user |
150 |
Upgrade plan |
151 |
Expired plan |
152 |
App suspended |
The application is suspended, possibly due to nonpayment. |