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Use API_GrantedDBs to get a list of the names and dbids of all the applications and tables that you are entitled to access, across all domains. You invoke this call on https://target_domain/db/main.
This call returns all the apps that you have access to, across all domains, not only the target domain. However, you can use the realmAppsOnly parameter to make this call return only the apps in the realm the call is being made against.
If you specify that both parent and child tables are to be returned, you can easily identify the parent from child by the database name that is shown. Table names are appended at the end of application names, as shown below:
Application name: MyApp
Child table name: MyApp:MyTable
Request parameters
Parameter | Value | Required? |
adminOnly |
Optional. Set this paramter to "true" to return only tables where the user making the request has administration privileges. |
no |
excludeparents |
Specifies whether you want application-level dbids returned. Valid values are: 0—Return application-level dbids. (Default) 1—Do not return application-level dbids. |
no |
includeancestors |
Set this parameter to 1 to include ancestor and oldest ancestor information. Omit this property if you don't want to see ancestor information. |
no |
ticket |
A valid authentication ticket. The authentication ticket is returned via the API_Authenticate call. |
yes, one of:
usertoken |
The user token is an alternative means of authentication, used for API access. User tokens cannot be used to access the Quickbase UI. |
yes, one of:
udata |
A string value that you want returned. It will not be handled by Quickbase but it will be returned in the response. |
no |
withembeddedtables |
Specifies whether you want child table dbids to be returned Valid values are: 0—Do not return child table dbids 1—Return child table dbids (Default) |
no |
realmAppsOnly |
Set this parameter to "true" to return only the apps in the realm the call is being made against. |
no |
Response values
Element Name | Value |
action |
The originating request, for example, API_AddField. |
errcode |
Identifies the error code, if any. (See the Error Codes appendix for a list of possible error codes.) 0 indicates that no error was encountered. |
errtext |
Text that explains the error code. "No error" indicates that no error was encountered. |
databases |
This aggregate contains the dbinfo sub-aggregate. There could be 0 (zero) or more of these returned in the response. A dbinfo sub-aggregate is structured as follows:
The returned dbinfos could be applications only (no child tables) or child tables only (no parent dbids), or a mixture of the two, depending on in request parameters. |
udata |
Optional. Contains any udata value supplied in the request. |
Sample XML Request
POST https://target_domain/db/main
Content-Type: application/xml
URL alternative
where target_domain is the domain against which you are invoking this call, for example, Read about this notation.
Sample response
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<errtext>No error</errtext>