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Sometimes you want different people to have a different view of a table. You might want users in one role to see a specific report (maybe a summary report or a report showing the high priority records), while the rest of your users get a listing of all records in the table. Or you might simply want to always show an advanced search form so that people can search for the exact records they want. If you have admin access to the table, you can do this.
To set what is shown on the table Home page:
Open the table Home page settings. You can do this in one of the following ways:
If you have clicked the table to display the table Home page, click the Customize this Page link on the Page bar.
In the Table bar, click a table. Click Settings on the Page bar, then click Table home page in the User Interface section.
Select one of the following options:
The same view for everyone. If you choose this option, select the view from the dropdown: Default report, Advanced Search form, or choose a report to show on the table Home page. If you choose the default report or a specific report, the table Home page may show dynamic filters, depending on how the report was configured.
A view based on the user's role. If you choose this option, a row for each role in the app appears. Using the dropdown in a role’s row, select the view for that role. If you don’t set the view for a role or the view you choose is not allowed for that role, Quickbase uses the view you specified for Everyone.
Grid Edit reports cannot be shown on the table Home page, and will not appear in the dropdown.
For performance reasons, if the report shown on the table home page contains more than 10,000 records, the Advanced Search form is shown instead.
To configure the default report settings
If you choose to display the default report on the table Home page, the columns shown will be based on the default report settings for the specified table. Use one of the methods below to display the default report settings page:
When you're looking at the Table home page settings, click the Default report settings link in the table.
When you're looking at the Reports & charts settings page, choose Reporting defaults > Default report settings from the menu in the Page bar.
When viewing a report, click More > Set default columns.
The default report settings include: the default columns, the order of default columns, settings for the dynamic filters that can appear to the left of a report, and the field that the default report is sorted on. Read more.
Remember that these settings affect other areas of Quickbase.
The data shown by the default report isn't a report that's accessible from the reports panel. You can filter the data there and save it as a report, but that action does not change the default report.
Which field types appear in the list of dynamic filters?
If the table Home page has been configured to show a report or the default report, and dynamic filters are turned on for that report, then the list of dynamic filters is displayed on the left side of the table Home page.
Note: If a report shown on the table Home page has no records, the filters are not shown. Read more.
The table below shows the field types that can be dynamic filters. Field types not mentioned in this table cannot be dynamic filters. Also, fields that have not been marked Searchable cannot be dynamic filters.
Field Type |
Field |
Reference Field |
Reference Proxy or Lookup Field |
Checkbox |
Y |
Y |
Date |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Date/Time |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Predecessor |
Y |
Text* |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Text - Multiple-choice |
Y |
Y |
Multi-select Text |
Y |
User |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Work Date |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Formula - Text |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Formula - Date |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Formula - Date / Time |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Formula - Checkbox |
Y |
Y |
Formula - User |
Y |
Y |
Y |
*Note: Address fields and all of their subfields are text fields and as such can be used as dynamic filters.
Why aren't my dynamic filters displaying?
The most common reason for filters being disabled has to do with the number of values for a field, and the length of those field values.