Upload multiple files to Quickbase forms on desktop or mobile with the File Manager plugin. The simple drag-and-drop interface makes bulk processing seamless and creates efficiencies in your file management workflow. You can also preview uploaded images and download or delete uploaded files.
In this article
Note: The file manager plugin cannot be used when creating a new record. You can dismiss the popup message and upload files, but they are not related to the record. Installation requirements
Installation requirements
The Plugins setting in the Admin Console must be set to All app admins can install and edit plugins before installing a plugin. In many cases, this is the default setting. Account admins can change these settings by going to the Manage my account -> Permissions page.
Tables and fields
This plugin requires two tables with a parent-child relationship. You can use an existing set of tables or create them before installing the plugin.
- The parent table is where the plugin will be installed.
- During installation, a new field will be added to the parent table for the File Manager plugin.
- Uploaded files are stored in the child table.
- The child table requires a File Attachment type field for installation.
Child table: File Attachment field settings
Caution: Preferences that you set during step 2 of the plugin installation can change the requirements for your field settings. With the wrong settings, you app users may get an error when deleting files.
In step 2, you'll decide what happens when a user deletes a file while using the plugin. You can either set it so only the file in the child table is deleted, or the file and its record in the child table are both deleted.
- If you select Only delete the file in step 2, set the File Attachment field to required and make it the only required field.
- If you select Delete the file and its record in step 2, set the File Attachment field and all fields in the child table as not required.
Install the File Manager plugin
- Go to App settings and click on Plugins.
- On the Browse plugins tab, find the File Manager plugin. Click Install plugin.
In step 1, add a title and description. Be specific and descriptive. Include the parent table name in the description. This will help you find this installed plugin in your library later. Here's an example of what the title and description will look like in your library:
In step 2, select the parent and child tables and their corresponding fields. This is also where you can configure the plugin settings. Here's an overview of the settings:
Max file size Sets the maximum file size for files uploaded by users. Max files in single upload Sets the total number of files a user can upload at once. The maximum is 20. Thumbnail preview Displays a small preview of uploaded image files. If you're working with a lot of files or a slow connection, this may impact performance and cause pages to load more slowly. Deleting files Sets what happens when users delete a file in the plugin. You can select whether only the file in the child table is deleted, or the file and its record in the parent table are deleted. - When finished, click Save. In your parent table, you'll see a new field called Qb plugin - Launch File Manager.
File Manager can be installed multiple times in the same app and even the same parent table. Here's how:
- Find or create another table that has a child relationship to the parent table. Or identify a different set of parent and child tables.
- Open the app settings and follow the instructions to install the plugin again.
Tip: Customize the name of the plugin launch buttons (default name: Qb Plugin-Launch File Manager) so you can tell which plugin instance is which.
Adjust the field settings to enable key features
Set up the File Manager field as an iframe
An iframe is like a small browser window that sits on top of another browser window. This is what allows the plugin to work within a form.
- Go to the parent table settings and click on Fields.
- Select the field that was added to the parent table during installation (default name: Qb Plugin-Launch File Manager).
- In the Display section, click Embed as iframe in forms. Set the open target to In same page. Use these suggested properties:
- Desktop: 620 width x 600 height
- Mobile: 370 width x 600 height
Good to know: If you set the permissions of the plugin field (default name: Qb Plugin-Launch File Manager) to View only it won't prevent users from uploading files.
Adjust required fields to enable deleting files
- If you selected Only delete the file in step 2, set the File Attachment field in the child table to required and make it the only required field.
- If you selected Delete the file and its record in step 2, set the File Attachment field and all fields in the child table as not required.
Add the File Manager to a Quickbase form
- Navigate to the parent table settings.
- Click on Forms.
- Add the new File Manager field (default name: Qb Plugin-Launch File Manager) to the form.
- Change the form settings to:
- Use alternate label text and leave the field as blank
- Display when this form is edited or viewed
Note: This cannot be used when Adding a record.
Test the form as a user to ensure the File Manager is placed properly and that permissions are set up correctly.
Only logged in users can use this plugin.
Use the File Manager plugin
Upload files
- Select your files and drag them to the upload area. Or click Upload files to select them from your device.
Good to know:
- Files will be displayed in the order they're uploaded in with the most recent file at the bottom of the list.
- When uploading multiple files, files are queued and uploaded one at a time.
- Files can't be replaced using the plugin.
- A file upload in progress can't be canceled. Any files in the upload that are queued can be canceled at any time.
- File manager can't be used offline.
- File manager is not intended for everyone on the internet (EOTI) use cases.
Preview, download, and delete your files
- Images will have a thumbnail preview if the app admin selected this option during installation.
- Files can only be downloaded one at a time.
- You can assign permissions to users to allow or prevent them from deleting files.
Change the File Manager plugin settings
If you'd like to make changes to the installed plugin, adjust the plugin settings:
- Go to your app settings and click Plugins.
- Select the installed File Manager plugin and click View details and then click Settings.
- If you want to remove the plugin from your app, you can delete it within the Settings menu.
Change the parent table after File Manager is installed
- While viewing the installed plugins in your library, click on File Manager and click Settings.
- In step 2, select a different parent table and parent table reference field.
- Follow the instructions to customize the form settings in the parent table you selected so File Manager displays correctly to your app users.