You can build a form rule and choose the Display message action to show a custom message to your users when your form rule condition is true.
You can choose the type of message you'd like to display:
Modal message
Modal messages display in the middle of the screen in a pop-up window. Your users will need to select Close on the modal to dismiss the message.
Notification message
Notification messages display at the top of the screen. Notification messages are transient and will appear and disappear automatically after about five seconds. There are four types of notification messages:
- Success messages are green in color with a checkmark on the left of the message.
- Info messages are blue in color with an i on the left of the message
- Warning messages are yellow in color with an ! on the left of the message
- Error messages are red in color with a no symbol on the left of the message
Field message
Field messages display beneath the field of your choice. Field messages remain beneath the field until the form is saved. There are four types of notification messages:
- Success messages are green in color. Your custom message will be preceded by Success:
- Info messages are blue in color. Your custom message will be preceded by Info:
- Warning messages are yellow in color. Your custom message will be preceded by Warning:
- Error messages are red in color. Your custom message will be preceded by Error: