The Solution APIs are managed by the permissions of solutions. Solution APIs are off by default for all realms. Realm admins may enable and disable Solution API operations through a policy checkbox in the Admin console policies page.
The following table shows what permissions a user needs to make updates or create a new solution via the Solution APIs.
Endpoint |
Access to a Solution |
Create App/Pipeline using QBL |
Update App/Pipeline using QBL |
Delete App/Pipeline using QBL |
Export |
Contributor/owner of solution. Does not matter if you are are realm/account admin as well. |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Update |
Contributor/owner of solution. Does not matter if you are realm/account admin as well. |
All users will get an error. You may not upload QBL that does not have all the supported resources in the solution. |
Create |
Authenticated user becomes owner of solution |
N/A |
N/A |
List changes |
Contributor/owner of solution. Does not matter if you are realm/account admin as well. |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Note: The same permissions apply when using the export, update, create or list changes API from a record.