Custom emails
On May 22nd a new way to build custom, automated emails will move from beta to general availability. Use the new email builder to create emails that:
- Bring together the functionality of notifications and subscriptions
- Offer more customization and flexibility, including CC/BCC fields
- CC/BCC option must be enabled in Realm Policies
- Introduce a record change element to quickly share changed data
- Generate audit log events to show when notifications are created, updated, deleted, or sent
- Include more elements, like new forms, reports, and charts
- Include file attachments
- Send when users @mention other users in a rich text field
Learn more about custom emails.
Quick reference widget for building pipelines
The Pipelines Designer is now even smoother with the addition of the Quick Reference Widget. This is your drag-and-drop shortcut to faster pipeline steps configuration. Search for the field values you need, and then easily drag and drop them into multiple steps—saving you time and clicks.
Support for mentions in forms and custom emails
Builders can now turn on a new property in rich text fields to enable their users to mention others by typing @FirstName LastName.
After this property is turned on, set up custom emails to communicate with the users mentioned in the fields.
End users can tag users in a rich text field, which then triggers the custom email you set up.
Note: This is not available on legacy forms or legacy email notifications
Performance improvements
We’ve made significant improvements to the performance of operations that involve users. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Administrative actions like the Manage Users page and Account Summary
- Importing data with user fields
- Building forms and adding, editing, and viewing records with user fields
These improvements benefit all customers, but improvements are most beneficial in one or more of the following:
- Accounts or apps with large number of users (1,000 – 100,000+)
- Apps with high levels of user and/or API usage
- Apps with many user fields or regular imports with users
New layout for your pipelines activity
The Pipelines Activity Log page has been revamped and will launch on May 21st. Expect better navigation, faster filtering, and improved user experience.
Pipelines channel pages now have a new layout style
We are also launching a new style of the Pipelines channel page on May 21st.
ALM: Solution APIs – QBL v0.3
We’re continuing to release updated versions of QBL. Each version includes added functionality. Version 0.3 of QBL includes several changes and supports additional schema:
- App variables support
- Audit logs enabled field property support
- Mention users support for rich text fields
- KeyField property updated (from KeyFieldID) and is now mandatory
Solution APIs – improved error experience
We have improved error and warning messages for the create and update APIs. Now, these messages will include the relevant line number. This makes it easier to locate and identify the reason for the error.
Mobile app update
A new Quickbase mobile app version will be released on May 15th, 2024, in the App Store and Google Play. In this latest mobile app update, we’ve made some under-the-hood improvements across the app. We also enhanced the functionality of the Back button, ensuring a smoother navigation experience by bypassing Add or Edit record screens and returning users directly to their previous screen.
Open beta
AI Smart Builder suggested reports
All users can leverage Quickbase AI to generate chart suggestions based on the tables and fields in your app. To get Quickbase AI-powered suggestions, click Reports & Charts on a table, then select AI Smart Builder reports, and Create. AI Smart Builder displays a list of suggested charts.
This feature will be rolled out to all customers by May 31st, 2024.
AI Smart Builder field suggestions in the form builder
When building a form, you can now open a list of suggestions that are generated by AI Smart Builder. In addition to the list of available table fields, you can now get suggestions for new fields. This adds the selected fields to your table and inserts them in the form with one click.
This feature will be rolled out to all customers by May 31st, 2024.
Note: This feature is not available in the legacy form builder.
New navigation
Open beta continues for new navigation. We have taken the menu bar across the top and moved it to the left. This becomes a collapsible sidebar which gives you more valuable screen space while keeping tables within easy reach. Learn more about what’s changing in our help article.
All users with access to the feature can try new navigation by turning it on in user preferences.
Account admins control user access to the feature. Turn it off from the Permissions page if you’re not ready for your users to try new navigation yet.
The next step in our rollout plan will be to default users to the new experience in July. See our help article for more information about the new navigation rollout plan and timeline.
We appreciate all the feedback we have received so far. As a reminder, please reach out to tech support for any bugs you may encounter and continue to give feedback through the badge on the left side of the My Apps page.
Beta opportunities
FastField | Expanded sign-on, access, and data integration. This is great for people new to FastField wanting to try it out, or people wanting to connect their accounts. | Closed beta | Sign up in our early access app |
View all beta opportunities in our early access app.
What's fixed in Quickbase
QBE01885 | Mobile app (IOS) | The file manager plugin was not working on IOS. | IOS users can now upload multiple files in the file manager plugin. |
QBE018499 | Forms | Saving a parent record prompted a redirect to the child form. | Saving a parent record now returns the user to the default parent report. |
QBE019100 | Forms | When printing a form, the output exposed hidden field labels. | Hidden fields do not show when printing a form. |
QBE019139 | Dashboards | When testing as a role or as a user on a dashboard not yet using the updated canvas, the tabs to other pages on the dashboard disappeared. | Tabs to other pages on the dashboard now remain visible when testing as a role or as a user. |
QBE019014 | Formulas | The SearchAndReplace() function failed to identify and replace newline characters such as /n. |
A new formula function, RemoveNewLineCharacters() , was created to consistently remove /r and /n. |
QBE019170 | Solution APIs | Creating or updating a solution that contains a user field or a user reference field caused an error in the settings page for the DefaultValue field in the UI. | No errors appear when creating or updating a solution that contains a user field or a user reference field. |
QBE019172 | Solution APIs | If the AllowCreateChoices property was set to false, the AllowInviteExternalUser property remained set to true. | If the AllowCreateChoices property is set to false, the AllowInviteExternalUser property is also set to false. |
QBE019173 | Solution APIs | With QBL, it was possible to reference a non-lookup field in the snapshot property. | Now, you can reference only lookup fields from the same type as the original field in the snapshot property. |
QBE019206 | Solution APIs | QBL parsing error messages did not provide enough information to resolve the issue. | QBL parsing error messages are now more informative. |
QBE019207 | Solution APIs | Exporting and updating an app would fail when an app is deleted from the realm. | A message now appears to prompt users to remove deleted apps in the UI prior to exporting or updating them with QBL. |
QBE018661 | Forms | Forms for child records couldn’t be saved if address fields were using a formula to fill in the information with the parent address. | Forms can now be saved for child records that pull address information from the parent record using a formula. |
QBE018839 | Forms | Cancelling the creation of a child record in a form caused the page to redirect to the child table home page. | Cancelling the creation of a child record in a form now redirects to the parent table home page. |
QBE019285 | Forms | Report data was being fetched twice for embedded reports on forms. | Report data is now only fetched once for embedded reports on forms. |
QBE018414 | Forms | Default values were not always respected for date and date/time fields in forms. | Default values are now always respected for date and date/time fields in forms. |
QBE018629 | Forms | Report link fields possessing the value match setting were not being respected for embedded reports in forms. | Report link fields possessing the value match setting now work as expected for embedded reports in forms. |
QBE019124 | Dashboards | Dashboard filters didn't properly apply to identical reports. | Dashboard filters now properly filter all reports that include the filter criteria field. |
QBE019128 | Reports | Timeline reports returned errors when there were too many records included in the report. | Timeline reports now don’t return any errors based on the number of records included in the report. |
QBE019305 | Solutions | The apps dropdown showed an app twice for a user that is both a Super User and the App Manager. | Apps dropdown now shows each app once for users that have permissions to add it to a solution. |
QBE019306 | Permissions | Realm and account admin permissions to manage Solutions and Pipelines were not reflected correctly for users. | Users’ realm and account admin permissions to manage Solutions and Pipelines are reflected correctly and cannot be edited in the grid. |
QBE016807 | Fields | Map reports using address fields were not appearing on the field’s usage page. | Map reports now appear on the associated field’s usage page. |
QBE005083 | Formulas | The ToText formula was causing rounding issues for numbers greater than 9 digits. |
An additional argument, legacy or full, has been added to the ToText formula to allow users to select how numbers are rounded or truncated. |
QBE019299 | Navigation | The spacing between menu icons in the navigation was inconsistent. | Menu icons in the navigation are now spaced equally. |
QBE019301 | Navigation | Dynamic redirects between realms weren’t working in the new navigation. | Redirects between realms now work as expected in the new navigation. |
QBE018491 | Forms | Autosave wasn’t respected when following links within sub-forms. | Later this month, sub-forms will autosave, even when a user selects a link to navigate away from the form. |
QBE019163 | Forms | Records in forms were not being rendered correctly when printed. | Printed forms now reflect the records that are shown in the browser UI. |
QBE018528 | Fields | Fields with 0 records were displaying the word Show on the Field Usage tab rather than the number of records. | The Field Usage tab now displays 0 in the Number of Records with Data field if a field has 0 records. |
QBE019079 | File Manager Plugin | Files with the # character in the file name caused errors when previewing and downloading files within the plugin. | File names with this character are now parsed and stored correctly and files can be previewed and downloaded. |
QBE019094 | File Attachments | Deleting file attachments using the Delete File API on v0 did not delete the file name and attachment link in associated records. | Deleting file attachments using the Delete File API on v0 deletes the file itself and clears the file name and link from associated records. |
QBE019310 | Tables | The error message was unclear when certain operations like field add, or data imports would cause a table to exceed its size limit. | We updated the error text to be more descriptive when these operations are predicted to cause a table to exceed its size limit. |
QBE018937 | Forms | Editing forms caused fields to move out of place. | Fields now show as designed when editing forms. |
Feature retirements
End of Life
SFTP Connections for connected tables – ending support for SHA-1
Note: Originally, we planned to end support for SHA-1 with the May release. We are making this change with the June release instead.
Quickbase is focused on continually helping our customers improve their security by using the safest security protocols and aligning with industry best practices for data security and integrity. For that reason, we have updated the SFTP connector used for connected tables (Quickbase Sync) to only allow connections to SFTP servers that use SHA-2. Learn more in our community article. The current version of the SFTP connector (Version 1) will continue to be available until June 2024 to give connection owners time to transition their older SFTP connections to the new version (Version 2).
To update an existing connection:
- Click your name in the top navigation, then choose My Preferences.
- In the My Connections section, select the SFTP connection to update.
- Change the Client Version from 1 to 2 and re-enter the SFTP password.
- Click the Save button to save your change.