Beta This is a beta feature, which means we’re still developing it. Some functionality might change.
Use quick insights to get a high-level overview of key factors that impact the probability of a value occurring in your table. You can access quick insights directly within a table report, or from the AI console, making it an efficient way to better understand your data and drive decision making.
For example, you might use quick insights to understand what factors affect project completion, or what predicts a project going over budget.
In this article
Generate quick insights from any table report that has:
- A minimum of 20 records
- A maximum of 2 million records
- At least 5 fields (excluding the field you want to evaluate)
- Up to 1GB of data
Quick insights aren’t available for temporary reports, embedded reports that use the Filter using report link settings option, or when testing as a role or a user.
Access quick insights
You can access quick insights directly from a table report, or from the AI console.
To access quick insights from a table report:
- Open a table report that meets the requirements
- Select the 3 dot menu on a field name
- Select Quick insights
To access quick insights from the AI console:
- Open Quickbase AI from the global bar
- Select Quick Insights
Generate insights
In the Quick insights modal, select the data you want to analyze:
- If you access quick insights from the AI console, select the table and field you want to analyze. If you access quick insights directly from a table report this information will be pre-filled.
- Select a report. Only the data in the selected report will be analyzed.
- Select a value to predict from the dropdown. Quick insights will analyze your data and generate insights on the value you select. The value must be:
- An exact value, meaning the field type is either checkbox or text
- Case-sensitive
- Present in 2% to 80% of the records
- Select Generate. It may take a few seconds to show your results.
For large tables, quick insights may only scan a sample of recent records. This means that insights may not be accurate for the entire table or report selected. You can view how many records were scanned to see if the entire table or report was analyzed:
If quick insights could not scan all records, you can install the Data Analyzer app from Exchange and create a model to generate insights on the entire table or report.
Understand your results
Insights are predictions for what influences the chances of your selected value appearing in the table or report. Each factor is a specific field and value pair that Quickbase AI has identified as having a meaningful impact on your selected value. Your results may change over time as additional records are added.
For each insight, you can view three metrics:
1. Impact—Indicates the likelihood that the factor’s field and value impact your selected value. This value is calculated with the formula: ([Outcome Rate with Factor]-[Outcome Rate for All Records])/[Outcome Rate
for All Records]
, where outcome rate is the percentage of records that contain the selected value. In statistics, this calculation is known as lift, and you can read more about how it is calculated in The Data Scientist’s article.
2. Confidence—Indicates how likely the results did not occur by chance alone. This value is calculated using either a chi-squared test for categorical fields, or a t-test for numerical fields.
An acceptable confidence rate depends on the use case. For higher-stakes decision making, you may only accept insights with high confidence values. To increase the quality of predictions, add additional data or use pipelines to connect to other software tools to import data.
3. Correlation—Indicates the strength of the relationship between the factor and the outcome.
Note: Quick insights ignores capitalization. This means that values of Medium, MEDIUM, and medium, will all be considered the same value.
How insights are displayed
Quick insights displays the top 6 insights, sorted by a combination of impact and confidence. Only insights with a confidence of greater than 65% are shown.
To view more comprehensive results, including additional insights, consider installing the Data Analyzer app.
Help us improve this feature by selecting the Give feedback button on the quick insights modal: