Import with CSV will import data from a given CSV resource into a specified table in Quickbase. When you use this step know that it requires a well formed dataset.
This action step, found in the Quickbase channel under the Bulk Sets category, will import CSV data in groups of 500 records while the limit on numbers of records allowed in one transfer is 10,000. If your data exceeds this total limit, we will import the first 10,000 records and then terminate the pipeline as an error. Data imported into the table before termination of the pipeline will not be rolled back.
Tuning and manipulating of the data is not allowed, however if you need to transform the data, use the Prepare > Add > Commit steps. Total operation time for an import is limited to 8 minutes, if it doesn't complete in that time, the import will be aborted and we will report on the progress that was made.
Note: If there is an issue importing the data, such as having incompatible types with your Quickbase table, or a unique field constraint, we will abort the pipeline and report on what we have processed. Changes are not rolled back.
Using the step
- From the visual designer, open the Quickbase channel on the right and expand the Bulk Record Sets step. Click and drag Import with CSV into your pipeline. This action step is able to be used as the first step in a pipeline. Within the step, fill in the required fields:
- Account* - Select your Quickbase account you want to use.
- Table* - This is your target table, where you want the information to end up.
- Merge Field* - The field to match against to update existing records (adds records only if the value does not exist).
- CSV URL* - The path to the CSV. There are two options for entry:
- Direct URL - Simply use the URL from the address bar, when viewing your file e.g. -
Note: This URL must be publicly accessible. We do not support the passing of authentication headers through this particular step.
- File transfer handle - This can be obtained through the Look Up or Search steps in channels such as Dropbox or OneDrive. To get the file transfer handle, slide the Look Up File step into your pipeline, fill in the fields, hover over the file icon and make a selection.
- Direct URL - Simply use the URL from the address bar, when viewing your file e.g. -
- Header row* - provide a comma separated list of column headers you want returned, in this field. In the case where you want only a few columns returned, not all of them, provide only those particular headers, for example namecol1, namecol3, namecol4, namecol12.
- Field to map to column - optionally select each column that you map a field to.
Other Details
- This step is for the bulk import of CSV files and does not allow for fine tuning and manipulating of the data in the CSV file.
Row quote char field - If values in your CSV file contain the same character as the delimiter, the Row quote char field will define what encapsulates an entire value when read from the CSV. For more details click here.