This article describes limits in Quickbase and Pipelines.
Quickbase feature limits
The following table describes limits for the many feature areas in Quickbase. Limits may vary based on your organization and Quickbase service plan.
Feature Area | Limits |
APIs |
You can group a maximum of 100 filters in any API call that queries data. Maximum size of XML responses for API calls = 150 MB. API_Authenticate calls have a maximum time limit of 4,380 hours or approximately 6 months (this applies to new tickets initiated on or after January 21, 2019). Rate limitations on our API XML APIs do not have a hard protected limit, however, you will experience throttling around 10/sec per table unrelated to XML APIs. Using XML APIs can be the most common way that you can reach that limit. For information about RESTful APIs, see |
Actions |
Number: You can create a maximum of 10 actions per table. Size limit: The HTTP message sent cannot be greater than 4 MB. If the size is exceeded, the message is not sent, and the app manager receives an alert and email notification. Rate limit: For any app, a maximum of 20 HTTP messages can be sent per second. If the rate is exceeded, subsequent messages are not sent, and the app manager receives an alert and email notification. Note: Actions and Webhooks limits are the same. |
All fields |
When fields contain the following values, they can cause things like conditional dropdowns, report filters, formula queries, or other queries to function incorrectly. This includes Quickbase channel steps in pipelines. These values include:
Apps |
Maximum size of the total attachments when you copy an app = 75 MB. When a user’s information is changed or added, certain formulas, fields, or pages may not display or return the updated information for up to two hours. When someone's permissions or user access change, their permissions and access operate normally but their status can take a few hours to update. |
App variables |
A variable's value is always treated as Text within a formula, unless you convert it to another data type using formula functions such as (ToDate()). |
Authentication |
By default, authentication tickets expire after 720 minutes (12 hours). You can change this using the API_Authenticate call; you can set the ticket's duration to a different value. |
Branding |
Maximum number of characters used to customize a header, footer, and sign-in message = 3,800. |
Connected Tables (Sync) |
Maximum age of events kept in a connected table's history = 30 days or, if none in the past 30 days, the most recent successful refresh. Maximum number of minutes before a refresh times out = 20 hours. Maximum number of automatic retries for hourly scheduled refreshes = 2 (once after 2 to 7 minutes, once after 15 to 30 minutes) Maximum number of automatic retries for daily or weekly scheduled refreshes = 3 (once after 2 minutes, once after 10 minutes, once after 30 minutes). Maximum number of cells you can import when you create a connected table = 1,000,000,000 (one billion). Cells are calculated by multiplying the number of records by number of fields. Maximum number of fields in a table you can sync is approximately 399, depending on the field types and space consumed. A QuickBooks Online company account can have only one authorized OAuth connection at a time from a Quickbase app. If you have a connection to a QuickBooks Online company and create a second one, the new connection is recognized and the old one expires. There is a limit of 1 Admin Console connected table for each type. Connected tables using the Access connector cannot be synced hourly. Deactivated users will not be included in any results of the Admin Console sources. Denied users will not be included in the Access source. |
Cross-app relationships |
When you create a relationship to a table in another app, the relationship only appears in the child table's Reference list. |
Dashboards |
Size and Limits
Widget limits by type
Document Creation |
Max size for document templates is 1 MB 50 document templates per table Max size for the HTML of a generated document is 6 MB. If the limit is reached, you will see an error in Quickbase.
It may take up to 15 minutes for schema changes (like field changes) to be reflected in documents based on document templates. |
Dynamic filters |
Maximum number of dynamic filters in a report = 5 Maximum number of distinct values before a dynamic filter will appear as a search box = 99 For legacy forms - Maximum number of values shown for dynamic filters = 60 Dynamic filters configured for a report may not appear for a variety of reasons:
For legacy forms:
Dynamic form rules (Legacy) |
Maximum number of unique derived fields for all the dynamic form rules in a form = 40 Derived fields are calculated based on the values in other fields on the form, such as Formula fields, Summary fields, and Lookup fields. |
iframes |
For security purposes, you can only serve code pages served from .quickbase. All other URLs do not function when embedded on a Quickbase form. |
Legacy emails, including notifications, subscriptions, and reminders |
You cannot email charts, map reports, or grid edit reports. You cannot subscribe to chart reports. Recipient limits for subscriptions and reminders:
In some cases, emails will not be sent when you reach recipient limits for subscriptions and reminders. Learn more in our troubleshooting help article. Maximum number of email addresses Microsoft Internet Explorer can have in a mailto link is 100. An HTML email notification can have a maximum of 400,000 characters before it is truncated (the length of the entire HTML message, not just the number of characters in the body of the message). Email subscriptions are limited to 4,000 recipients. Emails can only be sent to verified users. Emails cannot contain HTML in the body. Emails have a body size limit of 1 MB. Maximum attachment size of 14.9MB. Emails with attachments over 15MB are not sent. |
Custom emails |
Message limitations:
Event limitations: Emails are triggered by events, for example, record changes. Emails contain details about these events. So if there are 5 changes to a single record, Quickbase sends 10 pieces of data: previous values and current values. This counts as a single event.
A single event can result in many emails. For example, an email is set up to go to 20 different roles and each role has 50 users. A single event could result in 1,000 emails. To avoid flooding infrastructure and email providers, Quickbase throttles the emails:
As a result, it takes more time to fully process 1,000 emails triggered by a single event than if there were fewer emails. Other limitations: It may take up to 15 minutes for schema changes (like field changes) to be reflected in emails |
Excel import |
You can import up to 50 MB (decompressed) from Excel. |
File attachments |
Maximum number of revisions for a file attached to a table = 100. Maximum size of file attachments is 100 MB. Max total size of file attachments allowed in an app being copied = 75 MB. The browser cache timing for attached images is 2 hours. This means that the browser will wait no more than 2 hours before requesting the exact same file again For performance and stability, a Quickbase server-side file service checks your file downloads. Because of this service, it may take up to 5 minutes for a permissions change or a deleted file to be reflected for an attached file. |
Forms |
Maximum 100 characters for section names
Form rules |
Maximum 100 rules per form
Forms |
Maximum number of items in a reference field drop-down before the record picker displays is 1,000. On forms, Reference fields and Reference Proxy fields typically open a drop-down when a user clicks on them. However, if the Master table contains 1,000 records or more, a record picker will display instead. |
Formula field |
102,400 characters, or 100KB. Cannot be marked unique if it references the record ID. |
Gantt |
Gantt task durations can have a maximum of 5 years from the start date to the end date. |
Home Page |
Maximum number of widgets per row on an app home page = 3 Maximum number of reports on an app home page = 9 |
Code Page, Rich Text Page | Maximum size is 1 MB |
Formulas - If() | The number of If() statements in a single formula is limited to 500. |
Import |
Maximum number of records when importing into a User field = 10,000 |
List User field |
A user can select a maximum of 20 choices from a List - User field. |
Map reports |
You can't print or email Map reports. |
Mentions in rich text fields |
User's name are stored in the rich text data at the time the Mention users setting is turned on. This means that when a user changes their name in the app, the rich text fields do not update. You can tag up to 20 unique users per record in rich text fields. |
Multi-select Text fields |
Multi-select Text fields can contain a maximum of 100 choices. Each choice can contain a maximum of 60 characters. When using a multi-select field, you can select a maximum of 20 choices. |
My Apps |
Lists 100 apps. After you access 100 Quickbase apps, the apps you used least recently are removed from the list. |
Page tokens |
If you enter data on a form and leave the form open for more than 60 minutes, you'll get a page token error. |
Passwords |
If your account doesn't have its own realm, the minimum password length = 8. A standard password in a realm has a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 64 characters. You can adjust these default settings in Realm Policies. A password reset link expires after 90 minutes. |
Printing |
Maximum number of records in a printed report = 500 Printed records of an embedded report = 20 (the first 20 records) |
Predecessor chain limit |
Maximum number of records in predecessor chain = 100 |
Query filters |
Quickbase allows only 100 initial filters. Values that contain open parenthesis () or curly brackets {} cannot be included. In the API, a query can have no more than 100 parameters. |
Quickbase AI |
Maximum number of AI requests per single user per month = 500 Users can only make one request at a time. Quickbase AI can't be used if you are impersonating other users. |
Realm settings |
By default, a user is locked out of Quickbase for 10 minutes after 10 unsuccessful login attempts. You can change this in Realm settings. The default session timeout is 720 minutes (12 hours). You can change this on the Realm Policies page. |
Reports |
When a user creates a report, if they choose a Format in the Options section other than Normal, the maximum report size is 25 MB. Maximum number of records that are plotted in a Map report = 100 (as sorted according to the report) Maximum number of columns in a Kanban report=15 Maximum number of cards (records) per column in a Kanban report=100 Maximum number of reports or charts on an app home page = 9 (mobile site) Maximum of reports on the mobile dashboard = 20 If a report takes longer than 30 seconds to run, it times out. Temporary reports expire if no user has viewed them for two weeks. You can identify temporary reports reports by their negative QID (-1000001) and a ‘Temporary Report’ badge next to the Report name. Recent reports are saved for 30 days. Dashboards support both Kanban and Timeline reports |
Report caching |
Maximum cache time: 24 hours |
Rich Text fields |
Images inserted into Rich Text fields must be one of the following file types:
Quickbase intelligently compresses inserted images to below 100KB each, and 200KB inserted at once. Inserted images are limited to 10MB pre-compression. Total content inside a Rich Text field is limited to 1MB. |
Sandbox |
Limits of the sandbox feature are listed in Sandbox limitations and details. |
Search |
If the default report on a table’s home page contains more than 10,000 records, and the table’s home page is set to show the default report, Quickbase will display the Advanced Search form. If you search for something in a table or report, and your search term is not found within 13 seconds, the search times out. |
Search and replace in schema |
Results found in this feature do not include forms built in the new experience. This means that forms built in the new experience can't be updated using this feature. |
Shared multiple choice fields |
Shared multiple choice fields can only be based on scalar fields |
Summary fields |
Text summary fields can only accumulate up to 150 text values. If you use a foreign key (reference field) that is a derived field, summary fields are only supported in certain circumstances:
* Quickbase attempts to prevent builders from creating unsupported summary fields but cannot guarantee every scenario. |
Text fields | The maximum character limit for Text, Rich Text, and Multi-Line Text fields is 1MB. Generally, this is equal to 1048576 characters. |
Tables |
Table names are limited to 256 characters, including spaces. The limit for maximum record ID in a table is 4,294,967,295. There are no hard limits on the number of rows or columns a table can have. However, a single table cannot exceed 500 MB. The amount of space each record uses depends on several factors, such as the number and types of fields in the table. Consult Quickbase Help for details on the data space consumed by each field type. (mobile site) Maximum number of tables on the dashboard = 20 |
Users |
User invitations |
When you invite an unregistered user to an app, the link stays active for 180 days. You can invite or import a maximum of 400 users at one time to an app (10 users for a trial user). |
User Tokens | A single user can create up to 100 user tokens. |
Visual Builder |
Read the Visual Builder topic for a list of current limitations. |
Webhooks |
Number: You can create a maximum of 10 webhooks per table. Size: The HTTP message sent cannot be greater than 4 MB. If the size is exceeded, the message is not sent, and the app manager receives an alert and email notification. Rate: For any app, a maximum of 50 HTTP messages can be sent per second. If the rate is exceeded, subsequent messages are not sent, and the app manager receives an alert and email notification. Note: Actions and Webhooks limits are the same. |
Sharing data across apps |
Builders cannot create cross-app relationships, table-to-table imports, or shared multiple choice fields if it will result in a group of apps dependent on each other that take up more than an 50gb of estimated memory. Learn more. |
URL actions |
Quickbase blocks users from clicking URL actions that exceed 16,000 characters. Note: Other network hops like browsers and firewalls may block URLs at much lower limits. |
Pipelines Limits
This table describes the system and product limits in Pipelines.
Description | Limit |
Rate limit |
Individual record steps—15 calls per second per table Bulk steps—1 call per second per table |
Number of triggers
The number of unique triggers using the Quickbase channel that you can create on a given table. |
90 unique Quickbase triggers per table. This limit is per table, not per user per table. Additionally, you could also have up to 10 Quickbase Webhooks per table. These webhooks are tracked in the Quickbase app, and not in pipelines. |
Number of Pipeline editing sessions | Pipelines does not support multiple-session Pipeline editing. |
Maximum Payload from a Quickbase webhook | 4 megabytes after compression |
Record size
The size of one record in a table. |
1 Megabyte |
File Attachment size limits |
Pipelines has a limit of 100 MB for handling files. However, some specific Channels may only be able to handle less. For example: Docusign: 25 MB Please check the Limits section of that specific Channel's Help page for more details. |
Number of runtime pipelines instances for a given pipeline
The number of instances of a triggered pipeline that will run in parallel, the rest are queued. |
30 pipeline instances |
Number of Quickbase Channel API calls to Quickbase | 10 calls per table per second and 15 calls per application per second (across all concurrent pipelines) |
Number of channels and step runs per account | Based on plan purchased. See your realm admin. |
Numbers saved into Quickbase numeric field through Pipelines | When filling Numeric fields in Quickbase tables through Pipelines, numbers with 13 or more digits are rounded. For example, the number 1234567890123 is rounded to 1234567890120. |
Maximum time per pipeline execution | 30 min |
Step limit
The number of steps in a pipeline. |
26 steps |
Maximum schema size
Affects any channel that has a dynamic schema. |
1 Megabyte |
Uploading a file to SharePoint | The limit is 30 Megabytes. |
Changes to field name Affects any channel that has a user-customizable schema. |
The automatic propagation of field name changes is not supported. If you change the names or types of fields that are referenced in your pipelines, this is likely to cause your pipelines to fail. To avoid this you need to visit all pipelines that refer the given field and click the Refresh schemas button in the Pipeline designer to fetch up to date schema from the remote system and manually update any Jinja expressions in the pipeline that reference changed fields. |
User Tokens Affects any channel that uses a user token. |
Use only ASCII characters in user tokens. If you use double-byte characters, such as Chinese, an error will occur. |
Number of fields selected from a table for a field |
250 fields. |
Webhook rate limits |
The maximum number of webhooks that a Quickbase app can trigger in a second: 50 If you have multiple pipelines listening on events on the same app the limit will be shared between them. Limits are per app NOT per pipelines. |
Webhook payloads |
If the size of the table record that trigger the webhook exceeds 1 MB, the trigger event will be rejected from pipelines. |
Pipeline tags |
You are allowed to create up to 100 tags, and each pipeline can have up to 30 tags associated with it. |