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Realm admins use IP policies to filter what IP addresses can access apps and to help outgoing connections remain secure. This article explains the different types of IP policies and how to turn them on.
IP address filtering—apply to certain apps or to all apps in a realm
- Static IP addresses—use as an additional security layer in outgoing pipelines connections
IP filtering
IP filtering lets you grant specific IP address ranges access to your apps. After filtering has been turned on, only computers within the specified IP address ranges can access apps, even for admins.
IP filtering is skipped if:
- A request is not for an app
- The app or realm doesn't enforce IP filtering
- The user is a super user
- If the user is the app manager and the Enforce IP option is not selected for the realm
You can apply IP filtering to only certain apps in the realm or all apps in the realm.
Turn on IP filtering
On the My Apps page, go to Manage name_of_realm > Policies.
In the IP filtering section of the page, use the Add button to enter IP addresses in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation.
To turn on IP filtering for all apps: Check the Apply IP restrictions to all apps in this realm checkbox.
To turn on IP filtering for certain apps: Leave Apply IP restrictions to all apps in this realm unchecked. -
Click Save at the top of the Policies page.
To apply IP filtering to certain apps:
- On the Policies page in the Admin Console, make sure the Apply IP restrictions to all apps in this realm checkbox is unchecked.
From the app home page, click Settings.
Click App properties.
In the Advanced Settings > Security options section, select Only users logging in from "approved" IP addresses may access this application.
If this option is grayed out, IP filtering has been applied to all apps in the realm. -
Click Save.
Use static IP addresses for outgoing pipelines
When static IP addresses for outgoing pipelines are turned on, all pipelines always come from the same IP addresses. This adds an additional layer of security to your integrations because you can add the IP addresses to allowlists for other cloud-based software.
The table below lists the IP address used in pipelines if you have turned on static IP addresses.
US addresses | EU addresses | | |
Turn on static IP addresses
- On the My Apps page, go to Manage name_of_realm > Policies.
- In the IP filtering section of the page, check the Use static IP addresses for outgoing Pipelines connections checkbox.
- Add the list of static IP addresses to the allowlist of any cloud-based service you integrate with.
After you turn this setting on, it will take about 5 minutes for your Pipelines to start coming from these IP addresses.
If you turn off static IP address, you must also remove the static IP addresses from the allowlists of other software you integrate with. Otherwise, your pipelines will no longer work correctly.