This topic describes top navigation elements that appear on each page in Quickbase if you have not turned on sidebar navigation. Note that some of these elements may not be visible to you due to customizations done at the account level or your role in the app.
Global Bar
The Global bar appears at the top of the page. Using the Global bar, you can:
Add a new record to a table in the current app.
Find data in a specific table, or anywhere in the current app.
Get help with using Quickbase.
Enter a new case to contact Quickbase Technical Support.
View Quickbase alerts.
List reports from the current app that you have marked as favorites.
List recently-viewed records and reports from the current app.
Go to your personal settings page.
Edit your user preferences.
Test your app as another role.
Sign out of Quickbase.
Note: When you are scrolling through lengthy reports or forms, the Global bar will be hidden as you scroll down, and will reappear when you scroll back to the top of the page, or click the button that appears at the top of the Page bar.
App Bar
The App bar provides links to the My Apps page, as well as to any apps you have opened. Click the My Apps tab to open the My Apps page, which lists all your apps and contains commands to create and share apps and administer your account.
The New App button on the App Bar provides a way to create an app without going back to the My Apps page.
Note: When you are scrolling through lengthy reports or forms, the App bar will be hidden as you scroll down, and will reappear when you scroll back to the top of the page, or click the button that appears at the top of the Page bar.
Table Bar
The Table bar appears when you have opened an app. It provides buttons to access to all tables in the current app. Clicking a table name will display the table Home page for that table.
The first two buttons in the Table bar are special: the Home button provides access to the app's Home page, and the Users button provides access to the Manage Users page, which is used to manage user access to the app.
Note: When you are scrolling through lengthy reports or forms, the Table bar will be hidden as you scroll down, and will reappear when you scroll back to the top of the page, or click the button that appears at the top of the Page bar.
Page Bar
The Page bar provides access to crucial page-specific functionality. It contains the title of the current page, any page-relevant commands, and where appropriate, a link to customize the current page. For example:
On the app Home page there is a link to the App Settings page.
On table and report pages there is a link to the list of all reports for that table, and a link to the Table Settings page.
On the Manage Users page there are buttons to add new users, manage roles, and manage groups.