Certain events in your Quickbase applications can generate an Alert, a Quickbase message that calls for some action or gives you useful information. For example, you might receive an alert for:
An invitation to join an application
An application-transfer request
A warning that you are nearing the default table storage limit (critical alerts)
How do I know Quickbase has sent me an alert?
Quickbase lets you know you have an alert by sending you an email. The email describes the nature of the alert, and links you to the alert in Quickbase.
The My Apps page also provides information about your alerts. Click the Alerts button on the Global bar to see a list of your alerts.
Understanding the My Alerts Page
You can click the alert link to see more detail about the alert.
You can send an email to the person who sent the alert by clicking the sender's name in the From column.
Alerts that you have read appear in normal font; alerts you have not read appear in bold.
The status column lets you know the status of the alert. Alerts can have any of the following status codes:
Alert status |
Description |
Notify |
An informational alert. No action is required. |
Pending |
An alert that requires action. For example, an alert notifying you of an application transfer would have a status of Pending until you accept the transfer. You can click a Pending alert link to take action right away. |
Handled |
An alert that had a status of Pending, but that has since been resolved. For example, a Pending alert that notified you about an app transfer would have a status of Handled after you have accepted the transfer. |
What are critical alerts?
If a table in any of your applications approaches the storage limit, Quickbase issues a critical alert. Critical alerts let you know that you have reached the table storage limit, and that the table will not accept any new data until the table size has been reduced below the limit.
Quickbase sends all application and account managers an email to let them know about the critical alert.
If you receive this critical alert, you must reduce your table size below the threshold before you can add additional data to it.
If you are not sure of the best approach to reduce your table size, contact Quickbase Technical Support.