You may find that you need to create a new group that's similar, but not identical to an existing group. If so, you don't need to start from scratch. Just copy an existing group and edit it to fit your new requirements.
Note: You can only copy a group if:
You have app create permissions for the account.
You manage the group, or you are an account admin.
To copy a group:
Click the user menu on the global bar, then click Profile.
Within the Groups I'm In list, click the name of the group that you want to copy.
On the left side of the page, click Copy This Group. Quickbase returns you to the preferences page, and the new group appears in the list.
To copy a group (as a Billing Account Administrator):
Click the Groups tab.
In the Group Name column, click the link for the group you want to copy.
On the left side of the screen, click Copy this Group.
Quickbase returns you to the Groups tab and the new group appears on the list.
To rename a copied group:
When you copy a group, Quickbase adds the prefix "CopyOf_" to the second part of the name of the new group. For example, a copy of company.managers group would be named company.CopyOf_managers.
Click the group name in the list.
On the group page, click Edit Group Properties.
Enter a new group name, and click Save Changes.