To view all tables and relationships in a data model, you can use either the relationship diagram or Visual Builder.
Using relationship diagram
Note: This view is only available to roles with Full Administration access to the app.
Open the app, and select App settings from the sidebar. Then click App management.
In the Show App Info section, click Show relationship diagram.
Each table in the app is shown here with its icon, and relationships to and from that table are shown as arrows. The reference field for the relationship is shown on the arrow.
To rearrange the diagram:
Click and drag a table in the diagram to move it to a different place on the page. Once you have rearranged the diagram to your liking, click Save this layout. If you return to the relationship diagram for this app, it will display as you have saved it. If you don't like the layout, click Clear saved layout and refresh the page.
To show information for a table:
Click a table in the relationship diagram. Information about the table appears in a dialog. Drag the dialog by its title bar to move it if needed. The dialog will appear in this position (even if you close and reopen it) until you drag it to a new location. Click the x in the upper right corner of the dialog to close it.
Click the fields link in the info dialog to open the list of fields in that table.
To show information for a relationship:
Hover your mouse over the reference field. Information about the relationship displays.
To show or hide parts of the diagram:
If you have large numbers of tables or relationships in your app, you may want to hide parts of the diagram in order to better understand it.
Hide reference fields by un-selecting the Show reference fields checkbox on the page. Re-select the checkbox to show the reference fields.
Hide all relationships by un-selecting the Show all relationships checkbox on the page bar. Re-select the checkbox to show the relationship arrows.
Hide relationships for a specific table by clicking that table in the diagram, then un-selecting the Show relationships for this table checkbox in the info dialog. Re-select the checkbox to show the relationship arrows for this table.
Using Visual Builder
Visual Builder provides an easy way to create and update apps, as well as view all the tables and relationships. You can create tables, add fields, and connect relationships, all by dragging and dropping items onto a canvas.
Using Visual Builder, you can test out configurations to determine the best data model for an app.
You can use Visual Builder to create a new app or to update an existing app.