QBL version 0.5 is only supported for these APIs:
It is not supported when updating solutions, or listing solution changes.
This article contains information about a QBL (Quickbase language) object. QBL objects are the supported Quickbase schema elements you see textually represented in the YAML file generated by Quickbase when you export a solution. Each object has associated properties. Supported schema may differ by QBL version.
The following table lists information about the properties of this object.
In this article
Property | Description | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Name | The name of the application. This value will be displayed on the myqb page, the app tab, and other places on the platform where this app is visible | True | - | Any string |
Description | The description of the application | False | "" | Any string |
Manager | The Quickbase user set in this field will be manager of the application when it is published. Value is the e-mail address or username of the desired user account. | True | - | Any string |
AppIcon | What icon graphically represents this application. The value in this field must be one of the following pre-defined strings. | False | Application | One of: Application, Accessibility, Accreditations, Achievement, Acquisition Clock, Activity, Add Person, Administrator, Advertising, Aid, Ambulance, Animation, Anonymous, Apple, Architecture, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, At Sign, Attendance List, Audio Knob, Backpack, Balloons, Bananas, Bank Transaction, Barbell, Bell, Beverage, Bicycle, Binoculars, Blackboard, Blood, Bomb, Book, Bookmark, Boy, Bread, Briefcase, Bug, Building, Bus, Calculator, Calendar Month, Calendar Year, Calendar, Camera, Campus, Cap, Car Front, Car Side, Carrot, Cat, Cellphone, Certificate, Champagne, Chart, Chat Exclamation, Check, Black Checkmark, Knockout Checkmark, Cheese, Chicken, Classroom, Clipboard Pencil, Clipboard, Clock, Cloud, Coffee, College, Color, Command, Company, Competitors, Contact, Contract, Copy, Copy 2, Cube, Cupcake, Dollar Sign, Curriculum, Customer, Customers, Cutlery, Defective Product, Delivery Truck 2, Delivery Truck, Desktop Monitor, Diamond, Dimensions, Directive Board, Dispatch Order, document, Dog, Door, Dots, Download, Drugs, Ducky, Economics, Edit, Engineering, Envelope, Essay, Estimates, Etiquette, Exclamation, Exercise, Eyeball, Female 3, Female, Female 2, Field Image, File, Film, Fire, First Aid, Fish, Flag, Focus Group, Folder, Foreign Language, Fountain Pen, Frames, Front Desk, Geography, Girl, Graduate, Group, Growth, Handshake, Pointing hand, Thumbs Up, Heart, Hospital, Hourglass, House, ID, Inventory Category, Inventory, Invoice, invoices, Ipad, ISP, Justice, Kettlebell, Key, Laptop, Laws, Lift, Lightbulb, Line Items, List, Location, Lock, Login, Mailbox, Male, Marker, Market Segmentation, Medicine 2, Medicine, Meeting, Meeting 3, Money Bag, Money Person, Monitor, Network Monitor, New Badge, Nurse, Objects, Offer, OSI Model, OSI Model 2, Pages, Paper Clip, Paste, Person, Personal Record, Phone Book, Phone, Pendulum, Piggy, Ping, Plane, Plus, Poetry, Presentation, Price Tag, Printer, Product, Products, Projects, Protocol, Purchase, Purse, Quality, Question Mark, Question, Quote, Refresh, Report, Report 2, Reports, Risk, Rooster, Router, Row Zoom, Ruler, Salary, Salesman, Sandals, Satellite Dish, Schedule 2, Schedule, School Bell, School, Semi Trailer, Send Package, Ship, Shopping Cart, Shopping Bag, Signs, Sku, SMS, Smudge, Snowflake, Social Studies, Sole Proprietorship Pencil, Sole Proprietorship, Speedometer, Spreadsheet, Stamp, Star, Stats Bar Chart, Stats Pie Chart, Stock Market, Store, Girl Student, Student, Stuffed Animal, Right Summary Arrow, Summary Zoom, Swimming, Table Footer Gear, Table Header, Talk, Task Complete, Task, Tasks, Tax, Taxi, Team, Team Members, Hammer, Screwdriver, Wrench, Templated Projects, Test Tube, Thumbtack, Timer, Tooth, Tow Truck, Trash, Treasure Chest, Trojan, Trophy, Truck, Trumpet, Umbrella, University, Upload, Upload 2, User, Vendors, Video, Video Camera, Warehouse, Whistle, White List, Whiteboard, Wire Transfer, X, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine |
AppColor | False | "" | Any string | |
CurrencySymbol | False | $ | Any string | |
CurrencySymbolPosition | False | Between | One of: Before, Between, After | |
NumberFormat | False | See nested properties | ||
SeparatorStyle | Whether to use a comma or dot/period as the decimals separator e.g. 766.12 vs 766,12. The other will automatically be used for separating integer digit groupings, if grouped integers are chosen (see SeparatorPlaces). | False | CommaGroupingPeriodDecimal | One of: CommaGroupingPeriodDecimal, PeriodGroupingCommaDecimal |
SeparatorPlaces | False | 3 | One of: none, 2, 3 | |
DateFormat | False | MM-DD-YYYY | One of: MM-DD-YYYY, MM-DD-YY, DD-MM-YYYY, DD-MM-YY, YYYY-MM-DD | |
FirstDayOfWeek | False | Sun | One of: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat | |
FirstMonthOfFiscalYear | False | Jan | One of: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec | |
FiscalYearDesignation | False | Last | One of: Last, First | |
Timezone | False | Default | One of: Default, UTC-12, Dateline, UTC-11, UTC-10, Aleutian, Hawaiian, UTC-9:30, Marquesas, UTC-9, Alaskan, UTC-09, UTC-8, Pacific (Mexico), UTC-08, Pacific, UTC-7, US Mountain, Mountain (Mexico), Mountain, Yukon, UTC-6, Central America, Central, Easter Island, Central (Mexico), Canada Central, UTC-5, SA Pacific, Eastern (Mexico), Eastern, Haiti, Cuba, US Eastern, Turks And Caicos, UTC-4, Paraguay, Atlantic, Venezuela, Central Brazilian, SA Western, Pacific SA, UTC-3:30, Newfoundland, UTC-3, Tocantins, E. South America, SA Eastern, Argentina, Greenland, Montevideo, Magallanes, Saint Pierre, Bahia, UTC-2, UTC-02, UTC-1, Azores, Cape Verde, UTC, GMT, Greenwich, Sao Tome, UTC+1, Morocco, W. Europe, Central Europe, Romance, Central European, W. Central Africa, UTC+2, Jordan, GTB, Middle East, Egypt, E. Europe, Syria, West Bank, South Africa, FLE, Israel, Kaliningrad, Sudan, Libya, Namibia, UTC+3, Arabic, Turkey, Arab, Belarus, Russian, E. Africa, Iran, UTC+4, Arabian, Astrakhan, Azerbaijan, Russia Time Zone 3, Mauritius, Saratov, Georgian, Volgograd, Caucasus, UTC+4:30, Afghanistan, UTC+5, West Asia, Ekaterinburg, Pakistan, Qyzylorda, UTC+5:30, India, Sri Lanka, UTC+5:45, Nepal, UTC+6, Bangladesh, Omsk, UTC+6:30, Myanmar, UTC+7, SE Asia, Altai, W. Mongolia, North Asia, N. Central Asia, Tomsk, UTC+8, China, North Asia East, Singapore, W. Australia, Taipei, Ulaanbaatar, UTC+8:45, Aus Central W., UTC+9, Transbaikal, Tokyo, North Korea, Korea, Yakutsk, UTC+9:30, Cen. Australia, AUS Central, UTC+10, E. Australia, AUS Eastern, West Pacific, Tasmania, Vladivostok, UTC+10:30, Lord Howe, UTC+11, Bougainville, Russia Time Zone 10, Magadan, Norfolk, Sakhalin, Central Pacific, Russia Time Zone 11, New Zealand, UTC+12, Fiji, Chatham Islands, UTC+13, Tonga, Samoa, UTC+14, Line Islands | |
HideNewUpdatedIcons | False | False | true or false | |
DisableAllUsersSelection | False | False | true or false | |
Utf8DataEncoding | False | False | true or false | |
CanCopyApp | False | Admin | One of: Admin, Everyone | |
CanExportData | False | Everyone | One of: Admin, Everyone | |
Searchable | False | True | true or false | |
RequireAppToken | False | True | true or false | |
ShowPerformanceBar | False | False | true or false | |
ShowPerformanceAnalyzer | False | False | true or false | |
GlobalSearchExactMatch | False | False | true or false | |
DefaultViewMode | False | Auto | One of: Auto, Desktop, Mobile | |
TableOrder | True | - | Array of items of type: Reference to Table | |
RoleOrder | True | - | Array of items of type: Reference to QB::Application::Role | |
Branding | False | - | See nested properties | |
AppHeader | False | - | See nested properties | |
HideQuickbaseStandardMenu | False | False | true or false | |
UseCustom | False | False | true or false | |
LeftText | False | "" | Any string | |
LeftLink | False | "" | Any string | |
RightText | False | "" | Any string | |
RightLink | False | "" | Any string | |
BackgroundColor | False | #74489D | Any string | |
TextColor | False | "" | Any string | |
AppFooter | False | - | See nested properties | |
UseCustom | False | False | true or false | |
RightText | False | "" | Any string | |
RightLink | False | "" | Any string | |
EmailUpperLeftElement | False | "" | Any string |
Application variables
Property | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Name | True | - | Any string |
Value | False | "" | Any string |