QBL version 0.5 is only supported for these APIs:
It is not supported when updating solutions, or listing solution changes.
This article contains information about a QBL (Quickbase language) object. QBL objects are the supported Quickbase schema elements you see textually represented in the YAML file generated by Quickbase when you export a solution. Each object has associated properties. Supported schema may differ by QBL version.
The following table lists information about the properties of this object.
In this article
- Calendar report
- Default timeline report
- Formula checkbox report
- Formula date report
- Formula date time report
- Formula duration report
- Formula email address report
- Formula list users report
- Formula multi-select text report
- Formula numeric report
- Formula numeric currency report
- Formula numeric percent report
- Formula numeric rating report
- Formula phone number report
- Formula rich text report
- Formula text report
- Formula time of day report
- Formula URL report
- Formula user report
- Grid edit report
- Kanban report
- Map report
- Summary column report
- Summary report
- Summary formula checkbox report
- Summary formula date report
- Summary formula date time report
- Summary formula duration report
- Summary formula email address report
- Summary formula list users report
- Summary formula multi-select text report
- Summary formula numeric report
- Summary formula numeric currency report
- Summary formula numeric percent report
- Summary formula numeric rating report
- Summary formula phone number report
- Summary formula rich text report
- Summary formula text report
- Summary formula time of day report
- Summary formula URL report
- Summary formula user report
- Summary variable report
- Table report
- Timeline report
- Report group
Note: The report caching property is not supported for all types of reports.
Calendar report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
ColorCoding | False | See nested properties | |
ColorBy | False | ||
ColorFormula | False | ||
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
DynamicFields | False | Default | One of: Default, None Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula |
AllowQuickSearch | False | False | true or false |
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
CalendarEvents | False | See nested properties | |
StartDate | False | ||
EndDate | False | ||
DisplayFields | False | ||
AllowRecordCreationFromCalendar | False | ||
DisplayCalendarEventsAs | False | ||
MaxEventsPerDay | False | ||
FirstDayOfTheWeek | False | ||
InitialMonthToDisplay | False | CurrentMonth | One of: CurrentMonth, NextMonth, PreviousMonth, SpecificMonth |
SpecificMonthToDisplay | False | See nested properties | |
Month | False | January | One of: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December |
Year | False | Any integer |
Default timeline report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
SortAndGroup | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default, ManualOrder |
SortGroupsByStartField | False | ||
Timeline | False | ||
Columns | False | Default | Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula One of: Default |
Formula checkbox report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula date report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula date time report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula duration report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Formula email address report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula list users report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula multi-select text report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula numeric report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Formula numeric currency report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Formula numeric percent report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Formula numeric rating report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Formula phone number report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula rich text report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula text report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula time of day report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula URL report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Formula user report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Grid edit report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Sort | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default, ManualOrder |
AllowEditingRecords | False | True | true or false |
AllowViewingRecords | False | True | true or false |
HideTotals | False | False | true or false |
Columns | False | Default | Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula One of: Default |
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
Kanban report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Sort | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default, ManualOrder |
ColorCoding | False | See nested properties | |
ColorBy | False | ||
ColorFormula | False | ||
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
DynamicFields | False | Default | One of: Default, None Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula |
AllowQuickSearch | False | False | true or false |
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
CardGroups | False | See nested properties | |
GroupBy | True | Reference to QB::Field::TextMultipleChoice, QB::Field::User, QB::Field::AddressCountry, or QB::Field::AddressState | |
Values | False | All | One of: All Array of items of type: Any string |
DisplayFields | False | Default | One of: Default Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula |
Map report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
ColorCoding | False | See nested properties | |
ColorBy | False | ||
ColorFormula | False | ||
Sort | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default, ManualOrder |
Columns | False | Default | Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula One of: Default |
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
DynamicFields | False | Default | One of: Default, None Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula |
AllowQuickSearch | False | False | true or false |
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
AddressField | False | Default | One of: Default Reference to QB::Field::Address |
MapType | False | Road | One of: Road, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain |
Icons | False | NoIcons | One of: NoIcons Any string |
Summary column report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Source | True | One of: CountOfRecords Reference to Field, ReportFormula, or SummaryFormula |
SummarizeBy | False | None | One of: CountOfRecords, Total, Average, Minimum, Maximum, StdDeviation, DistinctCount, None |
DisplayAs | False | NormalValue | One of: NormalValue, PercentOfColumnTotal, PercentOfCrosstabTotal, RunningTotalForColumn, RunningTotalForCrosstab |
Summary report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
HideTotals | False | False | true or false |
DrilldownReport | False | Default | One of: Default, None Reference to Report or Chart |
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
AllowQuickSearch | False | False | true or false |
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
GroupingAndCrosstabs | False | See nested properties | |
Rows | False | Array of items of type | |
Crosstabs | False | None | One of: None |
Source | False | ||
GroupBy | False | ||
Sort | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default |
Summary formula checkbox report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula date report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula date time report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula duration report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Summary formula email address report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula list users report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula multi-select text report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula numeric report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Summary formula numeric currency report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Summary formula numeric percent report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Summary formula numeric rating report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
DecimalPlaces | False | 0 | Any integer |
Summary formula phone number report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula rich text report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula text report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula time of day report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula URL report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary formula user report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Label | False | "" | Any string |
Formula | False | "" | Any string |
Summary variable report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Source | True |
One of: CountOfRecords Reference to Field or ReportFormula |
SummarizeBy | False | None |
One of: CountOfRecords, Total, Average, Minimum, Maximum, StdDeviation, DistinctCount, None |
Table report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
SortAndGroup | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default, ManualOrder |
ColumnsUI | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default |
ColorCoding | False | See nested properties | |
ColorBy | False | ||
ColorFormula | False | ||
Appearance | False | ||
AllowEditingRecords | False | True | true or false |
AllowViewingRecords | False | True | true or false |
HideTotals | False | False | true or false |
Columns | False | Default | Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula One of: Default |
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
DynamicFields | False | Default | One of: Default, None Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula |
AllowQuickSearch | False | False | true or false |
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
DisplayOnlyNewOrChangedRecords | False | False | true or false |
ShowSummaryTable | False | ||
HideMainTable | False |
Note: The format property is not supported
Timeline report
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
SortAndGroup | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default, ManualOrder |
SortGroupsByStartField | False | ||
Filters | False | See nested properties | |
Criteria | False | Default | Any string |
DynamicFields | False | Default | One of: Default, None Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula |
AllowQuickSearch | False | False | true or false |
ColorCoding | False | See nested properties | |
ColorBy | False | ||
ColorFormula | False | ||
Appearance | False | ||
ColumnsUI | False | Default | Array of items of type: One of: Default |
Columns | False | Default | Array of items of type: Reference to Field, ReportFormula One of: Default |
Timeline | False | ||
RolePermissions | False | ||
Name | True | Any string | |
Description | False | "" | Any string |
ShowDescription | False | False | true or false |
Report group
Property Name | Required | Default | Allowed Values |
Name | True | Any string | |
Reports | True | Array of items of type: Reference to QB::Report, QB::Chart |