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Error | Solution |
Multiple users with the same email address. Message: "Provisioning failed: Multiple users in the realm match the given user's email address." |
This message appears when your realm has multiple users that share the same email address. Via the Quickbase Admin Console, edit the correct user to add the SCIM external IdM username, then provision the user again via your IdM or SCIM API solution. |
Users exist elsewhere in Quickbase with the same email address. Message: “Provisioning failed: Multiple users in Quickbase match the given user's email address, but none exist in the realm.” |
This message appears when there are no users currently in your realm that have this email address, but users exist elsewhere in Quickbase that have the same email address. You need to add the user to your realm and re-provision the user. Contact Quickbase Technical Support if you need help. |
The updated user attribute (First name, Last name, email) is not reflected on the Quickbase Manage All Users page. |
Quickbase doesn’t allow you to edit users that are not in your company domain. Make sure the user is a user whose email domain belongs to the company or replace the API token used to configure the account with a realm admin who is an in-company user. |