Don't forget to check out our JSON RESTful APIs, they can help you utilize and extend Quickbase with ease.
The Quickbase API endpoints support the SCIM 2.0 protocol and allow you to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) groups using the following HTTP methods:
GET - get groups in a realm/search for groups in an app or realm
POST - create groups/provision groups
PUT - update/edit group information
DELETE - delete groups
PATCH - patch group information
A bearer token is used for authentication using a Quickbase user token. For more details, select Setting up a user and user token for SCIM provisioning for details.
The groupId used in the following code examples is the group ID created by Quickbase, not the IdM provisioned group ID.
Get groups in a realm
- Get all groups:
GET { SCIMBaseURL}/groups
- Get groups with pagination:
GET { SCIMBaseURL}/groups?count=1&startIndex=1
- Get groups with groupId:
GET { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId}
Create groups or provision groups
To create or provision a new group, use the following request format:
POST { SCIMBaseURL}/groups { "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"], "displayName": "scimGroup-Test1", "members": { "value": "{userID}", "$ref": "{Users/userID}", "display": "Jane Doe", }], }
Update or patch groups
To update an existing group, use the following request format:
PUT { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId} { "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"], "displayName": "scimGroup-Test1", "members": { "value": "{userID}", "$ref": "{Users/userID}", "display": "Jane Doe", }], }
To patch an existing group by adding members, use the following request format:
Only the members you specified in the request are added to the group memberships.
PATCH { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId} {"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"], "Operations":[ { "op":"add", "path": "members", "value":[ { "display": "Babs Jensen", "$ref":"{Users/userID}", "value": "{userID}" } ] } ] }
To patch an existing group by replacing all members, use the following request format:
PATCH { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId} {"schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"], "Operations":[ { "op":"replace", "path": "members", "value":[ { "display": "Babs Jensen", "$ref":"{Users/userID}", "value": "{userID}" }, { "display": "James Smith", "$ref":"{Users/userID}", "value": "{userID}" } ] } ] }
To remove a member using the "eq" filter, use the following request format:
When you remove a member using the "eq" filter, the members listed in the path with the filter are removed from this group. No other memberships of the group are modified.
PATCH { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId} { "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"], "Operations":[ { "op":"remove", "path": "members[value eq\"{userID}\"]" }, ] }
To remove a member without the "eq" filter, use the following request format:
When you remove a member without the "eq" filter, the members listed under "value" are removed from this group. No other memberships of the group are modified.
PATCH { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId} { "schemas" ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"], "Operations":[ { "op":remove", "path": "members", "value":[{ "display": "James Smith", "$ref":"{Users/userID}", "value": "{userID}" }, { "display": "Babs Smith", "$ref":"{Users/userID}", "value": "{userID}" } ] } ] }
Delete groups
To delete a group, use the following request format:
DELETE { SCIMBaseURL}/groups/{groupId}
The base URL for SCIM above is: { SCIMBaseURL} = {BaseURL}/ governance/scim/v2/