If you have admin permissions for an app, you can see and manage all reports and charts for all tables in the app.
To display a list of all reports in an app:
From the app Home page, click Settings.
Click App management, then click Manage reports. From this page, you can manage all reports for all tables in your app. This includes both common and personal reports.
To limit the number of reports shown in the list:
If you have many reports, use the Search reports box at the top of the list to enter a search term. The search term limits the reports shown to ones whose report name, table name, or owner contain that term.
You can also use the Show dropdown to display personal reports, common reports, or all reports (the default).
To delete multiple reports:
Display the list of reports in the app.
Select the checkbox next to the name of each report you want to affect, then click Delete at the top of the table.
Click Delete on the dialog to confirm the deletion.
Note: If you access Quickbase using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, you are limited to deleting at most 50 reports at a time.
To manage individual reports:
You can also manage individual reports on this page.
Use the icons at the right of each item in the list of reports to view, copy, or delete that report.
Click the report name to customize the report.
Click New report or chart in the Page bar to create a new report.