Access to this feature can change based on your Quickbase plan. Learn more about feature availability and plans in Quickbase capabilities.
Realm or account admins access Platform analytics to understand how their entire Quickbase ecosystem is being used. Quickbase ecosystem means any apps connected together with integrations, multi-select choice fields, cross-app relationships, and so on.
Platform analytics feature key metrics for both contract entitlements and general usage.
In this article
How to view your metrics
To view platform analytics:
Select Quickbase Admin > Manage the realm > Platform analytics.
- Gauged metrics represent capped entitlements. These metrics show what you've used, compared with what you've purchased in your contract. Learn more about entitlements and how they are measured.
- Number metrics are not contract entitlements. Some of them are sub-components of a larger metric. For example, user reads and integration reads make up total reads. See more details on how reads are calculated.
User read key metrics
Click to view the definition of any metric.
You can access some apps across more than one realm. Metrics for these apps are for all the realms where they are used, but only the realm that the app owner belongs to will be charged for reads in that app.
In the metric details, if a user is "Anonymous," that means the user did not sign in. (This usually means the app is open to Everyone on the Internet—EOTI.)
When a new app is created, it takes Quickbase 24 hours to recognize the app name in Platform analytics. This means for the first 24 hours after an app is created, the app name will show as "Pending."
When you click into User reads, you can view user read data by app, by user, or by app and user.
To see more detailed information about the user read, click on the view icon at the beginning of the row. The columns you see will vary, depending on how you are viewing the data.
User read metric details
The following section explains the user read metrics in more detail.
Metric | Definition |
Daily app users |
Number of users that access each app each day. To calculate this number, Quickbase averages the total number of App_IDs accessed in the last 7 days and the total number of User_IDs that accessed apps in the last 7 days. |
Total reads | Total number of user reads and integration reads since the start of your latest contract. |
User reads |
Total number of times since the start of your latest contract that Quickbase displayed any of the following:
More about User reads
To export detailed user read information in CSV format, click the download icon. All times listed on read reports are in the UI show in your local browser timezone. Times in the CSV follow ISO 8601 standards. The exported CSV includes these columns:
The Action column shows what kind of user read took place. Common actions might be:
User_Agent details
The User_Agent column can help you understand where the read came from, with information about the device the read came from:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36
Some other common user agents you may see could look like this at the beginning:
QuickBase-Native-App-WebView/ | The action originated from the native mobile app, either on Android or iOS |
Qunect | You are using an external plugin created by our partner QuNect ODBC for Quickbase |
Integration read totals
An Integration read total is the total number of times since the start of your latest contract that Quickbase delivered data through:
A pipeline or API
Any read by a user that was not signed in (shown in the table as Anonymous)
Note: Integration Read downloads include Pipelines or API data. UI data is not part of the integration read counts.
When you click into Integration reads, you can view integration read data as API calls by app, API calls by user, or Pipeline reads by pipeline.
To see more detailed information about the integration read, click on the view icon at the beginning of the row. The columns you see will vary, depending on how you are viewing the data.
Integration reads: API calls by user agent
This tile provides information about integration reads categorized by the user agent that triggered them. This helps understand billable API calls by user agent. Drill down into this data for more information about the API calls consumed by each user agent.
User agent is a standard mechanism for clients (like browsers and integrations) to communicate what type of device and software it is. Browsers send an agent by default. Integrators writing custom code should always include an identifying user agent in accordance with the HTTP RFC spec.
To provide summary-level information, Quickbase attempts to simplify the user agent string. This allows some version information to be available, while still providing high-level billing information.
For example, the user agent
???;Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 14541.0.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
displays as
???;Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 Chrome/ Safari/537.36.
Quickbase can't account for all variations in user agents. Full details can be found by exporting the data, or using the Platform Analytics API.
Pipeline Reads
Pipeline Reads accrue towards your Integration reads entitlement. For customers on our new plans, there is no longer a separate entitlement related to Pipelines. For more details, see Billing definitions in our Pipelines help.
View Pipelines Step Runs in Platform Analytics
A tile displays the number of pipeline step runs in the billing period. A drill-down report displays step runs by the user or pipeline.
API calls and reads
API calls and reads by non-registered users are tracked based on the account ID. Pipeline events are tracked based on the realm ID, so the numbers will reflect activity from all accounts in the realm.
To export detailed integration read information in CSV format, click the download icon. All times listed on read reports are in the UI show in your local browser timezone. Times in the CSV follow ISO 8601 standards.
The CSV will include the following columns:
The Action column will show what kind of integration read took place. Common actions might be:
api_doQuery | Example of a XML API |
restfulapi_runFromula | Example of a RESTful API |
pipeline_step | Represents a read from Pipelines |
The User Agent column can help you understand where the read originated. A user agent contains information about the device the read came from, and will usually look something like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36
Some other common user agents you may see could look like this at the beginning:
QuickBase-Native-App-WebView/ | The action originated from the native mobile app, either on Android or iOS |
Qunect | You are using an external plugin created by our partner QuNect ODBC for Quickbase |
Key integration read metrics
The following section explains the metrics in more detail.