App level access permissions
Create a role for each type of user who'll access your application. (What's a role?)
You can use the default roles Quickbase provides or create your own.
Tip: If you have a lot of users, you may want to save time by gathering them in groups and then applying a different role to each group. Quickbase automatically grants each user whatever permissions you give to the group they're in.
When you set up a role, you specify what elements of your application users in this role should be able to see and/or change. For example, you could tell Quickbase to let a user view and modify records, but not to add one.
As you create roles, you can test them yourself to make sure that users in that role are able to see and do exactly what you want. Read more about testing roles.
Share your application with the people to whom you want to grant access.
When you grant a user access to your application, Quickbase forces you to assign a role. Doing so lets the program know what powers to grant the user within your application.
Note: Do you need to limit access to sensitive information? Or are you just trying to focus user attention on the information that interests them? If it's a question of security, follow the steps above to set access permissions. If you just want to make your application easier to use, don't set permissions, create custom reports instead. Not sure what to do? Read more.
Account level permissions
You can also grant permissions on the account level. This lets you control which users can manage, build, and share apps.
Access account level permissions in the Admin Console. Read the Admin Console overview help article for more information.