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You can quickly search your app or tables for words or phrases. If you want to specify more detailed parameters for a search, use advanced search.
To search your app
Select the Search icon, then choose the Search <app name> tab.
Note: If you don't see the Search icon, your app admin has removed access to it for users in your role. -
Enter the information that you want to search for, choose if you want to match the search term, then select Search.
Quickbase returns results in the column and row order format specified by the default report settings for each table. If you don't like the layout, you can change the reporting defaults for the table.
The sidebar on the left side of the page shows the number of search results returned from each table. As you scroll through the results, more tables are searched and more results are loaded.
Tables in the sidebar can display one of three results:
A number – The table has already been searched and the number reflects how many records were returned.
Nothing – The table has not yet been searched. To search this table, click the table name in the sidebar, or scroll to the table's section on the results page
Two dashes – You have closed this table's section in a previous app search, and it will not automatically be searched. To search this table, click the table name in the sidebar, or scroll to the table's section on the results page and open the section, or click search on the table section header.
To search a table
Open a table from the Table bar, then select the Search icon.
Note: If you don't see the Search icon, your app admin has removed access to it for users in your role.
Enter the information that you want to search for, then click Search. Quickbase shows you a report with set of records containing the term you entered.
To search in a report
By default, most reports include a search field at the top of the report.
You can use this to find information listed in the report. This search includes only the fields displayed in your report, and does not search all the fields in the underlying table.
Note: Some reports are configured to omit this search field on reports. If an app owner disables dynamic filters for a report, they may also de-select the setting Allow users to search. These options appear in the Filters options for reports.
Search tips
If you enter multiple words, results include a list of the records that include all of the words you entered.
For example, if you search for the phrase requires urgent review, results include a list of records that contain all the words: requires, urgent, and review. These words won't necessarily appear together. Results include any record contains all three words.
To search for records that match any of the words you enter, separate your entries with the word OR in all caps.
For example, use review OR urgent OR review to find all records that contain review, all records that contain urgent, or all records that contain review.
To search for multiple words as a phrase, use quotation marks.
For example, use "requires urgent review" for results include only records containing that entire phrase, as it appears between the quotation marks.