Quickly search your data in your app by using the search field in the global bar.
If you don't see the search field, your app admin has removed access to it for users in your role.
In this article
Search different parts of your app
You can choose to search the entire app or a specific table.
Search your entire app
- Select the search field in the global navigation bar
- Type in a word or phrase
- Select Search or use Enter on the keyboard to see search results
If you select the search field from the app home or any app-level page, you only have the option to search the entire app.
However, if you select the search field after you have navigated to a table, you can search either the entire app or that specific table.
Search a specific table
- Navigate to the table you would like to search
- Select the search field in the global navigation bar. By default, Quickbase selects the second tab in the search window. Use this tab to search the table and not the entire app.
- Type in a word or phrase
- Select Search or use Enter on the keyboard to see search results
View search results
Quickbase displays search results in a report. The column and row order follows whatever you've specified in the default report settings for each table.
Results for app-wide search
The panel on the left side of the page shows tables in the app. It also includes the number of search results returned from each table. Tables in the side panel can include one of three things:
A number—the table has already been searched and the number reflects how many records were returned.
Nothing—the table has not yet been searched. To search this table, select the table name in the side panel, or scroll to the table's section on the results page.
Two dashes—you have closed this table's section in a previous app search, and it will not automatically be searched. To search this table, select the table name in the side panel, scroll to the table's section on the results page and open the section, or select search on the table section header.
Each table is listed on the main part of the screen as a collapsed heading. To see results within the table, select the arrow next to the table name .
As you scroll through the results, more tables are searched and more results are loaded.
Search options
There are several options to enhance your search.
Exact match
Exact match is available when searching the entire app or a specific table. When selected, Quickbase matches the word or phrase you enter exactly and does not include partial matches.
Search related tables
The option to search related tables is only available for table-specific searches. When selected, Quickbase includes results for related tables.
Advanced search
Advanced search is available for table-specific searches. It allows you to add more search parameters beyond a word or phrase. Learn more in Use advanced search.
Search tips
When you enter multiple words, results include a list of records that include all of those words.
For example, if you search for the phrase requires urgent review, results include a list of records that contain all the words: requires, urgent, and review. These words won't necessarily appear together.
To search for records that match any of the words you enter, separate your entries with the word OR in all caps.
For example, use review OR urgent to find all records that contain review and all records that contain urgent.
To search for multiple words as a phrase, use quotation marks.
For example, use requires urgent review to search records only containing that entire phrase.