All times mentioned in this article are in Eastern US Time.
Service status website
Quickbase utilizes a service status website (i.e., the service page), to communicate current and future maintenance activity and incidents impacting the platform. You can view the Uptime History to see incidents and availability metrics for the current year and the prior year.
You can visit the service page any time at:
We encourage all customers to utilize the service status website as the first place they look to learn about upcoming maintenance or if they suspect an incident is occurring on the platform.
Customers can subscribe on the service status website to receive notifications via e-mail, text, or webhook whenever Quickbase posts an announcement on the service status website that triggers a notification to registered users.
Note: Out of respect for our customers’ time, we don't always trigger a notification to registered users for minor issues or maintenance not causing down time.
To subscribe to receive notifications, please follow the instructions in Subscribing to the Service Center website.
Maintenance types and typical frequency
The types of maintenance activity and incidents are as follows:
unplanned down time or unplanned degradation in functionality or performance
- We announce these incidents on our service page as they happen. We trigger a notice to registered users of the service page if the incident is impacting a significant percentage of customers, typically classified as more than 20%.
non-down time, planned monthly updates
- These are performed on the platform to introduce new functionality and fix defects. These are done on Sunday mornings between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM. We strive to announce these maintenance windows on our service page 8-10 calendar days prior to the actual maintenance window. We always trigger notice to registered users of the service page for this type of maintenance. We follow up with notices 2 calendar days prior and 1 hour prior to the maintenance.
non-down time, planned periodic updates
- These are performed on the platform for correcting defects and introducing minor new functionality. There are generally two types of updates in this category as follows:
- Patches for non-customer facing defects, very minor functionality changes, or functionality changes that are behind a “feature switch” and won’t become visible to customers until a later date. This type of update is typically done on Wednesdays during US business hours without any public announcement.
- Patches for high priority customer facing defects. This type of update is typically done between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM on the day on which the patch is ready for release and is typically announced on our service page with 1-6 hours of notice. We trigger notice to registered users of the service page if the defect is impacting a significant percentage of customers, typically classified as more than 20%.
down-time, planned periodic (4-6 times per year) maintenance
- We do for security updates, infrastructure updates, and switching data centers. These are done on Saturday mornings between 12:00 AM and 2:00 AM although the window is more typically 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM. These maintenance windows almost always involve down time for the platform. We strive to announce these maintenance windows on our service page 10-14 calendar days prior to the actual maintenance window. We always trigger notice to registered users of the service page for this type of maintenance. We follow up with notices 2 calendar days prior and 1 hour prior to the maintenance.
down time and non-down time, emergency maintenance
- We do as needed emergency maintenance to address issues outside of our control. These are done whenever needed to protect the stability and security of the platform but we make every effort to execute them during periods of lower platform usage.
- We announce these maintenance windows on our service page as soon as possible and that can range from several days of notice to just a few minutes of notice. We always trigger a notice to registered users of the service page for down time emergency maintenance.
- We will sometimes trigger a notice for non-down time emergency maintenance if we believe there is substantial risk of some customer facing impact, e.g., customers seeing brief instances of errors or performance being degraded.
Note: For customer facing defects or incidents, or for upcoming maintenance activity that only impacts one or a small number of customers, we typically rely on direct communication to the impacted customers, either via cases those customers have opened with Care, or via a direct e-mail and/or phone call to the applicable customer contacts (e.g., account admin, realm admin, app admin).
How we calculate availability (uptime) on the service status website
The Quickbase platform has both planned and unplanned down time incidents. The different types of maintenance we do are explained in this help article. For unplanned down time, we consider the source of the down time when calculating our platform's availability, or uptime, as shown on the service status website. If the source of the down time is within our control, we include the incident in our availability calculation. If it is not within our control, we do not include the incident in our availability calculation. This practice is used by every Internet site that tracks their availability. If an incident is not within the control of Quickbase or one of our subprocessors or subcontractors, the incident is not included in our availability calculation. It can sometimes take a week or more to determine the root cause of an incident. Until we know the root cause, we exclude a down time incident from the availability calculation. If we ultimately conclude the root cause was within the control of Quickbase or one of our subprocessors or subcontractors, we update the incident and any down time will immediately be reflected in the availability (uptime) calculation.
You can view the uptime history for time intervals during the current and previous year on the service status website. Uptime history can be viewed for This Week, This Month, This Year, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year, or using a custom date range.