Once your Quickbase application is full of data, you'll want to display it in a way that helps you understand what it all means. For example, imagine that you want to see how this month's sales compare to last month's. Sure, you could display a simple table report that features this information, but then viewers need to know which columns and numbers are important. They may even have to do some math to get the picture.
Why not just show them a picture instead? Charts are visual illustrations of your data. In one glance, a viewer can come to an immediate understanding of the numbers. For instance, when your colleague's tasks take up more than half of a pie chart, it's easy to see who's doing the largest share of the work. Or, when one bar of a simple bar chart rises far above the others, you instantly know which of your products sells the most. And who doesn't love to see the uphill tilt of a line graph showing how profits have been rising over time?
Tip: Quickbase charts are interactive! Viewers can click on a chart element to see the records that comprise it. For example, if you were to click on a bar representing Kazoo sales in Woonsocket, Quickbase would display a list of those specific sales records. Read more about viewing charts.