This article is about home page widgets. For dashboards, go to the Dashboard widgets article.
Report or Chart widgets display reports or charts you’ve already created in your app.
Creating a Report or Chart Widget
To create a Report or Chart Widget, edit the app Home page. Drag the Report or Chart widget from the Widget Gallery to the desired location.
The Settings dialog will pop up automatically when you place your widget.
Click the Report menu to select the report or chart you wish to display. Note that Grid Edit reports cannot be shown on the app Home page and will not appear in the menu.
You may need to scroll down to find the report or chart you’re looking for.
Alternatively, begin typing the name of the report or chart in the Report field to look for the report or chart you want.
Note: There is a limit of 9 report widgets per home page. Read about all Quickbase limits.
Configuring Report Widgets
If you have selected a report, enter the maximum number of rows that will appear on the app Home page. The default is set to 25 rows. Uncheck this option to show all rows in the report.
As with all widgets, you can set this widget to be collapsible, if you have placed it on its own row, to preserve space on the app Home page. You can also choose to show a title for the widget.
Configuring Chart Widgets
Charts are just reports that present their data visually, and thus they have no rows. If you have chosen to include a chart in your app Home page, select a chart from the Report dropdown in the Settings dialog.
As with all widgets, you can set this widget to be collapsible, if you have placed it on its own row, to preserve space on the app Home page. You can also choose to show a title for the widget.
Saving your Report or Chart widget
Click Save on the Page bar to save your changes.