Report components embedded in forms display data from other tables alongside the fields on the form where you edit, view, and add records. When a report is embedded in a form you're using, you can:
- View the full table
- Edit records
- View records
- Sort, group, hide, and show columns
- View fields related to columns
- Search and filter records in the report
View full report
You can view the full report from the report embedded in the form by using the Full report option. The full report will open in a new tab, so you won't lose your place in the record you're editing, viewing, or adding.
Editing and viewing report records
Use the edit and view
icons on each record in the table to open the edit or view form for the record. The edit or view form will open in the same window. You will need to save or discard any changes you have made to the record you're working in before editing or viewing a record from the table.
Column actions
- Use Search and filter to quickly filter through records and find the record you're looking for based on the search criteria you type.
- Sort the report in ascending or descending order by clicking the header of the column you want to sort by. For example, if you wanted to sort an embedded report by Project name, you would click the Project name column header to sort in ascending alphabetical order. Click the header again to sort in descending order
- Group the report by selecting the Column actions menu and choosing a group option
Hide or show columns in the Column actions menu.
- Edit field properties by selecting Field properties in the Column actions. You can learn more about customizing properties for specific fields in Field types
- Delete records one by one or multiple records at a time by selecting the checkbox next to each record.
Your options for editing and viewing records and column actions will be based on permissions set by your app admin.