After creating a custom email, you choose when to send the email. There are two options:
- Send when records are added, modified, or deleted
- Set up a recurring schedule
This article explains how to send a custom email when records are added, modified, or deleted.
In this article
Select record events
Record events are things that happen in the table that will trigger the email. There are three record events:
- Record added
- Record modified
- Record deleted
Add any combination of these events. You must select at least one record event before saving the email.
Add more conditions
To set more specific conditions about when the email sends, select More conditions.
Add specific fields that trigger the email if they are modified.
- If you do not add specific fields, the email triggers when any field is modified.
Add conditions that must be met for the email to send.
Set bulk options
Bulk changes to your table can usually happen because of things like:
API calls
Grid edits
When you select events and conditions that trigger your email, you also need to select what happens if there is a bulk edit.
The following sections give more details about each option.
Send a single email that summarizes all changes
Email content automatically adjusts, depending on the number of changes.
10 changes or fewer—details for all 10 changes are listed in a single email.
11-100 changes—email includes a link to a report of all the changed records. Details about the changes are not directly in the email.
>100 changes—email includes a link to a report of records that were modified the same second the email was sent.
Send an individual email for each change
Quickbase sends up to 10 individual emails.
10 changes or fewer—Quickbase sends 10 individual emails with details about the changes.
11-100 changes—Quickbase sends a single email that includes a link to a report of all the changed records. Details about the changes are not directly in the email.
>100 changes—Quickbase sends an email that includes a link to a report of records that were modified the same second the email was sent.
Don’t send any email when there is a bulk change
Quickbase doesn't send the email if changes are made via import, API calls, or grid edits.
Use case
Example workflow:
You have a table called Orders. The table includes several fields including:
- Order Status
- Sales Rep
- Order Date
You want to send an email to the assigned sales rep when the order status changes. The following sections explain how to set up that email.
1 – Select the appropriate record events
Because you want to send the email whenever the order status changes, select the record event Modified.
2 – Add more conditions
You want to send the email when the Order Status field changes. Select Order Status.
Only sales reps for customers in Hawaii have asked for the update. Add this condition by selecting the field State is equal to Hawaii.
3 – Select your preferred bulk option
You choose to Send a single email that summarizes all changes.
If there are 10 changes or fewer, the appropriate sales rep with receive a single email that summarizes all the changes.
If there are more than 11-100 changes, the sales rep will receive an email with a link to a report of all the changed records.