After you decide when to send your email, and who to send it to, compose your email content.
Compose your email directly in the editor. The editor offers typical formatting options. You can also add elements of your Quickbase table directly into the email.
In this article
Available elements, fields, and markers
Elements pull parts of the table directly into the email. Available elements include:
Record changes—Show updated fields, their previous value, and their current value.
Report—Select table reports, summary reports, or charts from any table in the app to include in the email.
Forms—Forms carry over sections, tabs, and columns. Legacy forms are not available.
- Repeat—Customize information that repeats in the email for every record that changes, up to 10 records. Use this to build a fully customized version of the record changes element.
To add an element, select the Add element dropdown in the email editor.
This dropdown also contains:
Table fields—Pull values from fields in the table directly into the email
Pre-built markers—Include information like app name, realm name, and table ID
Include file attachments in custom emails
If your table contains file attachment fields, the option to include file attachments is after the email editor.
Learn more about including file attachments in custom emails.
Include documents in custom emails
Use the Quickbase Document Creation features to create document templates. Then, app users can generate documents that contain data from your table according to those templates.
You can also generate documents and attach them to custom emails.
If you've created at least one document template in the table, the field to include a document is after the email editor.
Select the drop down on the field to select document templates. Then, when the email sends, Quickbase applies those templates and generates documents to attach to the email.
Each document that is generated counts as an integration read. Learn more about how many integration reads documents in emails generate.
Documents in scheduled emails
Make sure document templates you add to scheduled emails only contain static text and reports. Unlike emails that send when records are created, modified, or deleted, scheduled emails are not tied to specific records. This means Quickbase is not able to fill out data in fields or forms when it generates a document.
Formatting across different email clients
Email clients, like Gmail or Microsoft Outlook, slightly vary in how they format emails. Because of this, some of your email content may look slightly different in Quickbase than in the final email.
Rearrange elements
You can add multiple elements to the email editor. To rearrange elements, cut and paste within the email editor.
Resize the email editor
Drag the corner of the email editor to resize and give yourself more space to work.
Customize tables
Use the table toolbar to customize the table. The toolbar is available when the table is selected.
With the toolbar, you can do things like:
- Create header rows and columns
- Insert rows and columns
- Delete rows or columns
- Merge rows or columns
- Access table and cell properties
Source mode
Source mode is a mode that makes customizing email content easier. Learn more about source mode. For security, not all HTML tags are supported. Learn more about HTML tags supported by Quickbase.